Gaska Tape is a leading innovator in manufacturing of closed-cell foams and adhesive foam tapes such as Polyvinyl (PVC), Polyester Blend, Polyolefin, EPDM and Gaska Hi Bond Tapes, PVN Foams and Adhesive Tapes. Gaska provides versatile solutions in gaskets for Sealing, Cushioning, Dampening, Insulating, Vibration Dampening and Protecting. We design and supply custom foams and adhesive tape products, with modifications or enhancements developed for a wide variety of applications.
Gaska Tape's innovative products are used for multiple applications among a cross section of industries, including Transportaion, Industrial, Construction, Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Weather Stripping, Recreational Vehicle (RV), Electronics and Medical.
Please contact us regarding your specific needs.