Charity Partner
The mission of The DONNA Foundation is to provide financial assistance and support for individuals living with breast cancer and fund ground breaking breast cancer research.
The DONNA Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established in June 2003 by three-time breast cancer survivor and visionary Donna Deegan. Through her own experience surviving breast cancer three times, Donna has cast a vision to transform the experience for those living with breast cancer to one of love and support over fear and confusion. We deliver this vision through our DONNA CareLine, serving patients’ financial critical needs so families don’t have to choose between lifesaving medicine and groceries. We deliver this vision through ground breaking breast cancer research so there is a hope for the future. And we deliver this vision for the thousands of athletes that join us each year to celebrate survivorship and lift one another across the finish line of DONNA signature events including The National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer. Our work is not easy, but together we can achieve monumental goals. We believe that no one should face a breast cancer diagnosis alone. Together we will finish breast cancer.