Fun Waves (Kids Under 5)
Fun Waves (Kids 5 to 12)
Fun Waves (Adults)
Competitive (10 yrs to Adults)
The purchase of your ticket for the obstacle course race includes your FREE entry into the Hoedown at Triple Creek Winery! However, if you are not participating in the obstacle course race, or if you have others joining you that need a ticket, you can purchase them before the event on Talbot Interfaith Shelter's website using this link:
Triple Creek Winery
Cordova, MD US 21625
Saturday, October 21st
Benefitting Talbot Interfaith Shelter
PARKING: Triple Creek Winery - 11138 Three Bridge Branch Road, Cordova, MD 21625
SHUTTLE: A Hayride shuttle will be available from 11 am to 5 pm to take folks from Triple Creek Winery to Tardigrade Obstacle Course and Fitness Facility. Please plan to arrive one-hour prior to your start time to allow for parking, hayride shuttle, check-in, etc.
THE SHOWDOWN - Tardigrade Obstacle Course and Fitness Facility
Are you TIS TOUGH? Compete solo or as a team at Tardigrade Obstacle Course and Fitness Facility! Rally your friends and family and raise money to help our neighbors overcome the obstacle of homelessness! Family fun waves and competitive waves available! Age group awards and podiums for the competitive waves will be at 5:30 pm at the Hoedown at Triple Creek Winery!
THE HOEDOWN - Triple Creek Winery
All are welcome to join us for food trucks, wine and beer tasting, axe throwing and archery games, bouncy houses, and live music at Triple Creek Winery! Obstacle Course Participants receive a FREE entry into the Hoedown!
11:00 am - Parking at Triple Creek Winery Opens
11:00 am - 5:00 pm - Shuttle Hay Ride from Triple Creek Winery to Tardigrade Obstacle Course and Fitness Facility and Back
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Hoedown at Triple Creek Winery
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - Family Fun Waves on the Tardigrade Obstacle Course*
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm - Competitive Waves on the Tardigrade Obstacle Course*
5:30 pm - Awards Ceremony at Triple Creek Winery
*Please note that when you register for the obstacle course in either the fun wave or competitive wave, you will be selecting a "wave time". These wave times are in 30-minute increments. You will be starting in between this time frame. The obstacle course will take about 1.5 hours to complete if you are planning to walk the entire course.
Individual and Team Fundraising options are available! Help us reach our goal! You can set up your individual or team fundraiser here. You will be provided with a fundraising link that you can share with your family and friends. Who will be our top fundraiser???