Tenderfoot Team (at least one member must be 16 or younger)
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Bentonville, VA US 22610
Join us for one of our favorite races...the Shenandoah Strong. If you are ready for an adventure race that will put your skills to the test all in one day, keep reading! This event is good for first-time adventure racers who may not have all the disciplines nailed yet, anyone who wants to hone their navigation skills without too much pressure, or those who really want to push themselves hard! Racers will have 8 hours to cover up to 45 miles via kayak/canoe, foot, and mountain bike over rugged and beautiful terrain, picking up checkpoints along the way in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley in the spring. You'll tackle 10-15 miles of trekking, 12 miles of paddling on the Shenandoah River, and about 15-20 miles of mountain biking on some uh-mazing trails. You'll feel challenged for sure, but you'll have a great time doing it...and that finish-line feeling? Come feel it for yourself!
CALLING ALL TENDERFOOT RACERS: Someone on your team age 16 or younger who wants to participate? We have a category for you! You'll have the same map and Rules of Travel as all other teams, but you'll be in a special category and you will have a fabulous time learning you can push yourself to the next level. The top 10 teams in the Tenderfoot category get a spot on the podium and prizes!
Race Contact Info
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