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POSTPONED -- 2020 Pope John Lions Rugged Run

TBD Sparta, NJ 07871 US Directions


POSTPONED - 2020 Pope John Lions Rugged Run

New Date: TBD

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Pope John Lions Rugged Run is postponed. 

We hope and pray for you and your families during this time.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Pope John XXIII Regional High School
28 Andover Road
Sparta, NJ US 07871


POSTPONED - due to the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, we regrettably must postpone the Rugged Run until further notice.  We hope and pray that you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe. 

Run, walk, jog or crawl through our 1.25-mile course! You'll encounter obstacles, exercise stations and muddy patches as you race over the fields, trails and track of the Catholic Academy campus in Sparta, NJ. Individuals ages 10 and above of all fitness levels and teams of up to 8 are invited to participate in this fun, challenging, inaugural run, followed by a post-race celebration including awards, food, music and more! Registration fee includes race T-shirt and Finisher's Bag. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Course - 2020 Pope John Lions Rugged Run

Rugged Run check in starts at 0700 and RACE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 0830.  There will be staggered starts of ~ 20-25 runners at ~ 1.5 to 2 minute intervals, as follows:

  • Individuals, ages 19 and above (faster runners up front); then
  • Individuals, ages 14-18; then
  • Team participants; and then
  • Children (ages 10-13).

Awards immediately after last participants finish (~ 1100).




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