Fundraising Tips and Templates
This page contains effective donation request tips/techniques, as well as, an email template that you can use for your fundraising efforts.
Email Template
Hello friends!
If there’s one thing that can get me out for a run/walk, it’s a good cause. This year I am participating in ALFA’s 0.5K Race: Stepping Out to Stop Stigma. I’m not doing this for a medal, but to raise awareness and funds for the marginalized members of this community.
[Enter story why this is important to you]
As you may know, North Carolina ranks 8th in the nation for rates of new diagnoses of HIV/AIDS. Additionally, Southern States represent 37% of the U.S population, but account for:
50% of new HIV diagnoses
46% of new AIDS diagnoses
43% of all people living with HIV/AIDS
ALFA is the only HIV/AIDS service organization for 9 counties in the North Carolina, and every dollar raised for the 0.5K Race goes directly to services for our community. Every day ALFA gives hope and compassion to those who walk through their door. Will you help support me in meeting my fundraising goal of [$xxx.xx] ? Donations can be made on my fundraising page at: [add your personal fundraising page link]
Thank you for your support!
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.