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Sponsorship Opportunities 2024

The Value of Sponsorship

Partnering with the UNM Cancer Center enhances your company’s public profile; supports vital research and patient care that impacts employees and the wider community; and demonstrates a deep commitment to health and wellness.

  • Now entering its eighth year, the Lobo Cancer Challenge is the premier fundraising and community outreach event benefiting the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center.
  • Held annually in September, it offers bike rides, a 5K run/walk, a stair challenge and a Cub Pack Fun Run for children.
  • Starting line and finish line celebrations are held at University Stadium, home of UNM Lobo football.
  • Sponsorship is critical to allow the center to direct 100% of participants’ fundraising to education, research, and patient care.

Delivering More - HSC promo cover - English version
Delivering More: Comprehensive Cancer Care
Learn more about the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center


Philanthropic investment in the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center makes a difference in the lives and futures of New Mexicans each and every day.

Our strategic media, marketing, and communication plan ensures your company receives widespread recognition through myriad channels, including:

Paid or in-kind advertisements

  • Website, social media, and digital promotion
  • Participant and community email communications
  • Pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, yard-signs and promo cards
  • Community event exposure
  • Event day collateral such as participant T-shirts, signage
  • Option to participate in vendor village
  • Public address announcements and jumbotron recognition
Route symbols

We are delighted to present special sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge. There are options to join us as:

  • Presenting Sponsor ($70,000 +)
  • Lobo Leaders Sponsor – 2 unique opportunities ($25,000+)
  • Trailblazer Sponsor - 3 Unique levels (15,000 +) Wolf Tracks Sponsor - 4 Unique Sponsors (10,000 +) 
  • Den Leader ($5,000+)
  • Pack Member ($2,500+)
  • Howler ($1,000+) level


Contact: Leigh Rowland, Senior Director of Development at or 505-925-0471 or
Arlene Espinoza-Armijo, Director of Development at or (505) 301-0224

Review the benefits of sponsorship below to learn more about each level:

Presenting Sponsor - SOLD!

Presenting Sponsor — $70,000 +

Blake's Lotaburger food truck serving breakfast at the Lobo Cancer Challenge

Benefits include:

  • Logo/Co-branding on all pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, promo cards and selected advertisements with media partners. 
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts and all event bibs 
  • Logo placement on Lobo Cancer Challenge incentive items
  • Logo on email communications to participants and community. 
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Community event exposure: inclusions in all event yard signs, billboards, and banner placement.
  • Banners for your location/office 
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city 
  • Thank you, logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center 
  • Social media recognition and partnership throughout the year (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Booth space in vendor village to distribute materials, samples, or other promotional items
  • Opportunity to create a corporate fundraising team
  • Volunteer Opportunities on event day
  • Waived family participant registration fees (taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt 
  • Additional opportunities for partnership during registration and event day

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Lobo Leaders - 5K Run/Walk Sponsor - SOLD!


Duke City Track Club at the Lobo Cancer ChallengeOnly one sponsorship available. Corporate naming recognition benefits include:

  • Company recognized as the 5K sponsor during the event via prominent event signage, logo on jumbotron, and multiple public address announcements 
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts
  • Logo on 5K bib
  • (2) Branded 5K water stops
  • Logo on pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, and postcards
  • Logo on email communications to participants and community
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city
  • Social media recognition throughout registration and event day
  • Community event exposure
  • Booth space in vendor village 
  • Opportunity to create corporate fundraising team
  • Thank you, Logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Waived participant registration fees (capped at 10 participants - taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt. 
  • Volunteer opportunities on event day

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Lobo Leaders - Bib Sponsor - SOLD!


Bibs for participants of the Lobo Cancer ChallengeOnly one sponsorship available. Benefits include:

  • Logo featured on all participants’ bibs 
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts
  • Company recognized as the bib sponsor during the event via event prominent signage, logo on jumbotron, and multiple public address announcements 
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city
  • Social media recognition throughout registration and event day
  • Community event exposure
  • Booth space in vendor village 
  • Thank you, Logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center 
  • Opportunity to create corporate fundraising team
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Waived participant registration fees (capped at 10 participants - taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt. 

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Trailblazer - Hospitality Village Sponsor - SOLD!


Participant Village sponsor bannerOnly one sponsorship available. Benefits include:

  • Logo featured prominently at participant village
  • Celebration tent for participants
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant T-shirts
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Company recognized as the participant village sponsor during the event via prominent event signage, logo on jumbotron, and multiple public address announcements
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city
  • Social media recognition throughout registration and event day
  • Community event exposure
  • Booth space in vendor village
  • Thank you, Logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Table tents on tables: exposure to more than 1,500 participants and family and friends.
  • Opportunity to create corporate fundraising team
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Waived participate registration fees (capped at 10 participants - taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt.

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Trailblazer - Kick Off Event Sponsor - SOLD!


Ambassadors at the Kick-Off CelebrationOnly one sponsorship available. Benefits include:

  • Logo featured prominently at kick-off event held the evening before the Lobo Cancer Challenge
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant T-shirts
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city
  • Social media recognition throughout registration and event day
  • Community event exposure
  • Booth space in vendor village
  • Thank you, Logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Opportunity to create corporate fundraising team
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Waived participate registration fees (capped at 10 participants)- (taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt.

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Trailblazer - Wellness Village Sponsor - SOLD!


Wellness Village Sponsorship

Only one sponsorship available. Benefits include:

  • Company recognized as the Wellness Village sponsor during the event via prominent event signage, logo on jumbotron, and multiple public address announcements 
  • Wellness area could include services like: Massage, Skin cancer screening, hydration monitoring, flu shot (if approved by UNM legal)
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city
  • Social media recognition throughout registration and event day
  • Community event exposure
  • Booth space in vendor village 
  • Thank you, Logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Opportunity to create corporate fundraising team
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Waived participate registration fees (capped at 10 participants - taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt.

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Wolf Tracks Sponsor - Spirit Sponsor - SOLD!


Table with Spirit items such as branded cowbellsOnly one sponsorship available. Benefits include:

  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant T-shirts
  • Logo on branded spirit items distributed to participants and spectators during the event
  • Company recognized as spirit sponsor during the event via prominent event signage, logo on jumbotron
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, yard signs, e-flyers, and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city
  • Social media recognition throughout registration and event day
  • Community event exposure
  • Booth space in vendor village
  • Thank you, Logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Opportunity to create corporate fundraising team
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Waived participant registration fees (capped at 5 participants)- (taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt.

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Wolf Tracks Sponsor - Dedication Board Sponsor - SOLD!


Dedication Board Sponsorship

Benefits include:

  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts
  • Branded rest stop for participants which is also highly visible to community members
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Logo on ride day signage
  • Social media recognition and partnership throughout the year (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Community event exposure
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, brochures, flyers, and postcards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Company recognized as den leader sponsors on event signage, and logo on jumbotron 
  • Thank you, Logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center 
  • Booth space in vendor village to distribute materials, samples, or other promotional items  
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Opportunity to create employee volunteer teams to oversee rest stop area
  • Team Building Opportunity 
  • Community Engagement & visibility opportunity

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Wolf Tracks Sponsor - Cub Pack Sponsor - SOLD!

Kid-centric 1km, ages 1-10 – $10,000

Cub Pack Tshirts for coloring inThe Cub Pack will build off sport and give kids their first opportunity to engage in an activity they love while making an impact in the community.

 Benefits Include:

  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts and kids custom designed t-shirt
  • Unique Lobo Cancer Challenge kids bib design with logo designation
  • Company recognized as Cub Pack Sponsor during the event via prominent event signage, logo on jumbotron. 
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Community Exposure: Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, flyers, yard signs and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community 
  • Opportunity to create a fundraising team
  • Billboard recognition throughout the city
  • Thank you, logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Social media recognition and partnership throughout registration and on event day (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Waived participate registration fees (capped at 5 participants - taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt.

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Wolf Tracks Sponsor - Support & Gear Sponsor (SAG)- SOLD!


Support and Gear vehicle sponsorBenefits include:

  • Branded safety vehicle fleet, visible to participants and all community members
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, e-flyers, yard signs and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Opportunity to create a corporate fundraising team 
  • Thank you, logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Social media recognition and partnership throughout the year (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Waived participant registration fees (capped at 5 participants - taxable benefit), registration fees will be deducted from tax receipt. 


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Den Leaders - Rest Stop Sponsors


Spirit Cheer Team for Den Leader - Rest Stop SponsorBenefits include:

  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts
  • Branded rest stop for participants which is also highly visible to community members
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Logo on ride day signage at rest stop
  • Social media recognition and partnership throughout the year (Facebook, Instagram
  • Community event exposure
  • Logo on select pre-event collateral such as posters, yard signs, e-flyers, and promo cards
  • Logo on select email communications to participants and community
  • Company recognized as a rest stop sponsor via event signage, and logo on jumbotron 
  • Thank you, logo recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center 
  • Booth space in vendor village to distribute materials, samples, or other promotional items  
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Opportunity to create employee volunteer teams to oversee rest stop area
  • Team-building opportunity 
  • Community engagement and visibility opportunity

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Pack Members

from $2,500

Pack Member sponsorBenefits include:

  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge participant t-shirts
  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Opportunity to create a fundraising team
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Typed Company Name on Thank You Recognition at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Social media recognition and partnership throughout the year (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Booth space in vendor village to distribute materials, samples, or other promotional items 


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from $1,000

Howler SponsorBenefits include:

  • Logo on Lobo Cancer Challenge website
  • Typed Company Name on thank you, recognition, at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center 
  • Social media recognition and partnership throughout the year (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Company recognized via public address announcement and jumbotron
  • Booth space in vendor village to distribute materials, samples, or other promotional items  
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Opportunity to create a fundraising team 


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Corporate Team Sponsors

Various levels

For corporations committed to supporting their employees’ health and wellness, as well as community social responsibility, we offer the option to sponsor a company team by covering the registration fee for employees. (Employees are responsible for their individual fundraising.)  

Team Nusenda Team Solaero Starshine Team Huitt-Zollars

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To secure a Lobo Cancer Challenge sponsorship to help your organization meet your philanthropic and community-engagement goals, please contact: 
Leigh Rowland, Senior Director of Development at or 505-925-0471 or
Arlene Espinoza-Armijo, Director of Development at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, at or (505) 301-0224.

We look forward to partnering with you for a successful Lobo Cancer Challenge in 2024!

Bike riding in the Bosque for the Lobo Cancer Challenge 25 mile bike ride Man with stroller in the 5K Run-Walk

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Presented By
Blake's Lotaburger logo

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